
Pascal Maniraho
2 min readJul 27, 2015

I recommend friends to write or have a blog. Nevertheless, I never kept any serious blog myself. Why do I recommend to write, if do not do it? To be honest, I have no clear,concise, answer to that question.

I believe, the more you practice, the better you get at any craft. Same applies to writing. Ideas make more sense when in writing. Idea that is not written, is lost forever.

Sometimes I feel pity of my self, when I return back and read what I wrote days, or years ago, sometimes I wonder if I was “OK”, or just stupid. Who never did stupid things in past anyways. To realize, at one moment in our lives, that we did/said or wrote something stupid is a good chance to grow and improve ourselves.

I challenged my self to throw a 300 words essay a day. I will publish each essay, after I write it. I will be writing here on Medium, and or my blog, other things than programming. It can be a story, an idea, a question or an answer! I want to develop that habit, If I miss a day, it will be OK, as long as next day will have 600? nope that would be a torture … May I compensate with emails … may be yes!

It may not make sense, but the objective is to write anything that comes in my mind. It is possible to achieve, if I can find an hour or less a day of doing nothing but writing. The objective is to master this craft too.

When I started, writing software was not easy. It became natural to think in terms of algorithms. At this point in my life, it is hard to communicate verbally, than it is to program a computer. I want to change that. Write something in the way I communicate with myself(thoughts), and with everyone else(talking).

I think writing also improves not only the way we conceive ideas, but also the way we elaborate and transmit to others. From my perspective, I talk as I think, and sometimes it makes no sense at all! My ex-classmates used to tell me “We need a compiler to understand what you just said”!

And here goes my first essay.

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Pascal Maniraho

Web lover, code crafter, beer drinker, created http://hoo.gy, Montrealer, and training to run a half-marathon :-)